I was able to pick up my new ipod from the post office today! I didn't get to play with it for three and a half hours after I picked it up... what I was missing out on! As unhappy as I've been with Apple recently, I love love love the iPod touch! I downloaded some free applications beforehand... okay, I admit, I downloaded over 20... but its so nice being able to have them on the ipod and being able to play with them. I also purchased a couple of games (Scrabble, Monopoly and Pocket God) and a Gratitude journal today. Pocket God is entertaining for a few minutes, although I'm sure it'll be a nice pick me up from time to time. The Gratitude journal is great because hopefully it will remind me to think of things I'm thankful for every day, because there are some even in horrible days! Last Monday (the worst day ever), I can still think of at least 3 (Chili's in Calgary, D and the nice man at the airport parking kiosk).
I also discovered a great new website today, Polyvore, which I'll go into more depth about later (as well as my other new discovery WeHeartIt) since I need to be awake in roughly 5 hours so I can accomplish everything I need to so I can leave on time in the morning. I always get too excited to sleep before I travel (and quite anxious that I'll oversleep) so I don't forsee myself getting a lot of rest. Luckily I really don't have a lot of driving to do tomorrow, only 5-6 hours total, but I will probably sleep well tomorrow. Don't know how often I'll be able to update, but now I have the ipod touch, so anything is possible.
Goodbye Vancouver. :(