On my way to work yesterday morning, driving down I-10, I got walloped by hail. Now, my poor little car is all damaged and very unhappy. The guys at O'Reilly (where I went to get a do it yourself kit) said to just trade it in after I make a claim, that it probably won't even be worth it to me to get repaired. So sometime this weekend, if I have time, I'm going to have to get an estimate for my car and see about getting it repaired. Whether paintless dent removal (which may be expensive since there are SO many) or take it to a body shop, it seems it'll probably run around $750-2,000. I'm not even sure if its worth it. I wanted to keep the car for several more years, but that may not happen now.
This is so frustrating that it had to happen my first week on the job so I don't have the time, the money or the energy to deal with it. I wish I could chalk this one up to a stupid tax, but unfortunately its just an act of nature I had no control over.
(I wish this was an April Fool's joke, but unfortunately, it is not.)