I am going to make it a point one of these days to sit down and write a real post. My apartment is clean and photoable (is that a word?) right now, so I need to get on it! I've gotten several new plants (a puslane, which is beautiful plant that does really well in south Texas, mine has gorgeous pink and orange flowers, and an African Violet, which is my sorority's flower and supposedly one of the easiest houseplants to take care of!).

The African Violet looks gorgeous above my bookshelf, under the window. The purslane is out on my little plant stand on the patio and is doing VERY well. I moved my Angel Wing Begonia into a terracotta pot outside on the patio and it is thriving! I never realized how unhappy it was inside but it seems all is not lost yet with him... The plant cuttings my uncle took for me (we figured out the name Saturday, but I can't remember) is starting to do pretty well. I put the bag back over the pot and they all perked back up. It's still inside and I want to move it outside eventually.
I need to clean off my patio... a lot of things blow through it and get caught behind my furniture. So that will be my mission this week.
Oh and I have a dresser! The seller dropped it off Saturday afternoon, so I spent a total of $100 on it which is what I was shooting for! (Edit: For some reason the photo stopped working... I will find out and repost.)
It seems to be an older Texas piece. The bottom sides and back legs are coming loose, so I need to have those fixed, but otherwise its just what I was looking for! Now that I have it, I'm not sure if I can paint it and put fabric on it, its beautiful, but we'll see...