Growing up in the second most conservative city in the US that strongly believes in abstinence only eduction, as well as having friends strong involved in advocacy of comprehensive sex education, I wondered what it meant for the future of America, especially if McCain/Palin won the election.
In late October, a great article ("Red Sex, Blue Sex") was published in the New Yorker about sexual activities in teenagers from conservative vs liberal ideaologies/backgrounds/etc...
Since then, about once a week, I'll google "Bristol Palin" and see the most recent articles about her , maybe to see pictures about how her pregnancy is progressing and overall just to see what actually happens. There are obviously less and less articles appearing, but today I ran across an extremely interesting one from the BayouBuzz. About the "released" medical records, which SP keeps insisting the mainstream media needs to look at to prove the "goofy" issue of Trig's paternity.
Really? If its so "goofy" and ridiculous, why not just release his birth certificate? Or SP's medical records?
Regardless, I went into this whole, so-called "Sarah Deception" just interested in what will happen to Bristol with this pregnancy. Now, I don't even believe she was 5 months along at the time... maybe 3 or 4. Regardless, I'm curious how the birth will go, if Bristol and Levi will actually get married, etc.
And don't even get me started on the medical records... invoking the right to medical privacy when you're trying to overturn the most famous case that is based on that right? Pick a side and stay there. I, for one, think Sarah Palin is full or more inconsistencies and idiocies than G.W., but that is not an argument for this post. This is about medical records. Which I now want to see. Desperately.
But now that I've looked into it... is Sarah actually Trig's mother? Or is Bristol?
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