I checked Amazon, saw the new Leon novel will be released in April, but I also ran across a list of Leon's novels in chronological order. Even though I knew I'd read them all, I checked anyway. I knew wrong. The list had 2 books on it I'd heard of, but assumed they were the British titling of a book I'd read. Wrong again. Here is the list per Wikipedia:
- Death at La Fenice (1992)
- Death in a Strange Country (1993)
- The Anonymous Venetian (1994) aka Dressed for Death
- A Venetian Reckoning (1995) aka Death and Judgment
- Acqua Alta (1996) aka Death in High Water
- The Death of Faith (1997) aka Quietly in Their Sleep
- A Noble Radiance (1997)
- Fatal Remedies (1999)
- Friends in High Places (2000)
- A Sea of Troubles (2001)
- Wilful Behaviour (2002)
- Uniform Justice (2003)
- Doctored Evidence (2004)
- Blood from a Stone (2005)
- Through a Glass Darkly (2006)
- Suffer the Little Children (2007)
- The Girl of His Dreams (2008)
- About Face (2009)
Books nos. 10 and 11 I haven't read and I can't find on any of my usual sites in the States/Canada (except for over $100 USD... no way). So I decided to check Amazon UK and lo and behold, was able to find them both, in paperback, for only $30 USD including shipping to Canada! I absolutely love finding books I haven't yet read by my favorite authors.
So, I decided to check on Andrea Camilleri. Again, this is Wikipedia's list:
- The Shape of Water - 2002 (La forma dell’acqua - 1994)
- The Terracotta Dog - 2002 (Il cane di terracotta - 1996)
- The Snack Thief - 2003 (Il ladro di merendine - 1996)
- The Voice of the Violin - 2003 (La voce del violino - 1997)
- Excursion to Tindari - 2005 (La gita a Tindari - 2000)
- The Scent of the Night - 2005 (L’odore della notte - 2001)
- Rounding the Mark - 2006 (Il giro di boa - 2003)
- The Patience of the Spider - 2007 (La pazienza del ragno - 2004)
- The Paper Moon - 2008 (La Luna di Carta - 2005)
- August Heat - 2006 (La Vampa d'Agosto - 2006)
- The Sphinx's Wings - 2006 (Le Ali della Sfinge - 2006)
- The Sand Path - 2007 (La pista di Sabbia - 2007)
- The Potter's Field - 2008 (Il campo del vasaio - 2008)
- The Age of Doubt - 2008 (L'età del dubbio) - 2008
August Heat is the novel that is being released in English in February... I'm so excited I can't wait! I have contemplated trying to read his novels in Italian, but would have to get a hold of one first (hello Amazon UK!). Maybe a future project... As it is, I am anxiously awaiting his next release in English and the Donna Leon books in the mail!
1 comment:
We saw that you'd blogged about Camilleri's Montalbano books and thought you might be interested in a piece on the Picador blog from Stephen Sartarelli, on the subject of translating Camilleri's Montalbano books: http://bit.ly/wIe1E
Best wishes,
Picador blog team
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