Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009.

It's been a long December but there's reason to believe that maybe this year will be better than the last...

Another year survived... another decade past. Closing out 2009 closes out many chapters of my life and 2010 brings many new beginnings. It reminds me of an old favorite quote from Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, the last line of Save Me the Waltz:

"I just lump everything in a great heap which I have labeled “the past,” and, having thus emptied this deep reservoir that was once myself, I am ready to continue."

I am ready to continue...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

18: Shop

Online or offline, where did you spend most of your mad money this year?

I honestly have no idea, but I suspect it was Banana Republic.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

17: Word or Phrase

A word that encapsulates your year. "2009 was _____."


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

16: Tea of the Year

I can taste my favorite tea right now. What's yours?

There are really two teas that characterize 2009 for me--the first is the Fairmont Empress's inhi Victoria, BC, Centennial Blend. I actually first tried it in December 2008 (The Fairmont Empress's actual Centennial) but since I gave my roommate a small tin with bags for Christmas, we enjoyed it throughout my final few months in Vancouver.

Also, there was an apple/hibiscus blend of tea at the coffeeshop we would always mix into other teas. You could also eat the dried apples out of it... very fun.

15: Best Packaging

Did your headphones come in a sweet case? See a bottle of tea in another country that stood off the shelves?

The most exciting was when I came home and there was a bright pink RueLaLa box sitting at my door. It certainly was attention grabbing... I'm happy no one stole it because it was my brand new Lululemon yoga clothes for the Bikram I had just picked up a few weeks earlier.

14: Rush

(Personal photo)

When did you get your best rush of the year?

Dogsledding in Churchill. To be flying across the tundra, trusting a team of huskies not to flip the sled and not throw you into a tree. It truly was incredible... I even got to tell them to "Mush"!

13: Best Change (Place)

What's the best change you made to the place you live?

Having a place all to myself! I really got along well with my roommate in Vancouver, but I've had some not so great roomies in the past. It's nice to be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want. If I want to leave a dish in the sink or wash them all immediately, it doesn't matter. Or if I want to blast music in the morning or keep the temperature absurdly low, I can!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

12: New food

You're now in love with Lebanese food and you didn't even know what it was in January of this year.

Ethiopian food. I love the spicy, complex flavors and the fact that all your food is severed on a giant edible plate of bread.

11: The best place

A coffee shop? A pub? A retreat center? A cubicle? A nook?

Vancouver. I could name a number of places that I can still imagine myself sitting, happily looking up at the mountains on the North shore or out across the Georgia Strait. Anywhere from a bus stop across the street, to Stella's, my roommate's living room with the fire going, a coffeeshop in Kitsilano, the bubble tea place, the bench down the street from my coffeeshop, the BC Ferries.... if its on the lower mainland, chances are its on my best place list.

Maybe I'm just disillusioned because I left before I was ready... but in my memories, Vancouver equals happiness.

10: Album of the Year

What's rocking your world?

Hands down, greatest find of the year is Lights. I found her on the Vancouver radio station I love so much in early 2009. They would play her all the time. All that's been released so far is her EP but I could listen to the 5 songs on it over and over. Just discovered she HAS released a new album (thank you Pandora!).

9: Challenge

Something that really made you grow this year. That made you go to your edge and then some. What made it the best challenge of the year for you?

After leaving a city I truly love and wish I could have spent more time in, I battled doubt and fear of finding a job in a failing economy. I moved to a different city and battled loneliness and unhappiness of trying to find my place here. With the year closing out, I battle new challenges of rediscovering and focusing on myself amidst painful changes.

I don't know if any of them could be called "the best" as I am still trying to figure out where I belong and where I'll go from here... but I certainly grew and will continue to grow through all of these challenges, no matter how minuscule or catastrophic they may seem.

For all of the challenges of 2009 and those coming, I've been so thankful for the love and support of my family and friends.

Monday, December 14, 2009

8: Moment of Peace

An hour or a day or a week of solitude. What was the quality of your breath? The state of your mind? How did you get there?

At the farthest edge of the earth I've ever been to, in Churchill, Manitoba, standing on the edge of a frozen Hudson Bay long past when all the residents had fallen asleep. We were hunting Aurora Borealis, but the silence was astounding and I can honestly say I've never seen so many stars in my life.

I could feel every ounce of the bitterly cold Arctic air that I took in as I stood on the frozen banks and stared up at the sky, willing the ancient Inuit spirits to send the lights. Unfortunately, that night they didn't, but I was able to stand there and just be aware of how small and insignificant I really am in this world compared to all that has come before and all that will come after me.

7: Blog find of the Year

That gem of a blog you can't believe you didn't know about until this year.

I've found several little blogs I love love love and ready every day, but one that I always look forward to is the Missed Connections NY blog. Sophie creates artwork out of the Craigslist "Missed Connections" section... that section already makes me think when I peruse it, but Sophie brings to a whole new level with the art to go along with the word. I love it.

6: Workshop or Conference

Was there a conference or workshop you attended that was especially beneficial? Where was it? What did you learn?

I wish I had attended anything of value this year.... as I think back through 2009 I realize the couple of years before were much more eventful. Although I'm not exactly completing the prompt (because I can't), maybe this is where I promise myself I'd take at least one workshop in 2010 to enrich my life and better myself.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

5: Night Out

Did you have a night out with friends or a loved one that rocked your world? Who was there? What was the highlight of the night?

I'm glad I held off on this one... this is one of the ones I am passing on for now. I may or may not come back to later.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

4: Book

(Anna Inghardt, via Decor8)

What book - fiction or non - touched you? Where were you when you read it? Have you bought and given away multiple copies?

I'm almost ashamed to admit I haven't read a lot of books this year. At the beginning of the year I really got in to the Sword of Truth series and read some personal finance books like Your Money or Your Life, but I think I've read some great books at the end of this year as well. I read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows which was a great book about post-WWII life on Guernsey Island, as well as a glimpse into the occupation of the channel islands during the war.

I also read Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, a humorous look at the apocalypse. An angel and a demon who actually enjoy earth and don't want it to be over have to find the misplaced Antichrist, stop the four horsemen and overall stop the end of the world.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Lucky number 13!

I'd like to interrupt your regular broadcasting to inform the world that I actually won a contest! I hardly ever win anything... Yay!

I won the Prismera Design Giveaway on Modish by commenting and having my comment number randomly selected... and that was number 13! I always knew I liked it... :)

At any rate, I love love love the necklace and had contemplated just buying one from Prismera Design, but unfortunately can't be spending really any money at all on jewelry. I've been looking for something I can wear all the time, and I believe this piece to be just that. Happy Friday to me!

3: Article

What's an article that you read that blew you away? That you shared with all your friends. That you Delicious'd and reference throughout the year.

Hmmm... this is a tough one. The best article I read all year? I don't know about article in a newspaper/magazine/etc, but I'm fairly certain if it was a blog post it came from Get Rich Slowly. I might not access the same post all the time, but I have read every single article, shared a considerable amount with friends and go back to them over and over again.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

2: Restaurant

Share the best restaurant experience you had this year. Who was there? What made it amazing? What taste stands out in your mind?

This is a tough one, because obviously I've eaten at quite a few restaurants this year! One that sticks out in my mind is when the bakers from the coffeeshop went to this place on S. Main called Grub. They had awesome punch and vegetarian food!

What made this night so memorable is that it had just snowed recently and since Vancouver isn't used to getting snowed on, everything shut down! I waited for a bus for almost an hour and was late. I wore my snow boots and ran around trying to get there. Luckily, I wrote down the address wrong and arrived at my destination about 20 blocks before I was anticipating.

It was a great night with all the bakers and I ended up spending the night with one of them because I couldn't get home and had to be at work at 5:15!

1: Trip

What was the best trip of 2009?

For me, 2009 was full of amazing trips. In February, my mom and I embarked on a 2,600 mile road trip from Vancouver, BC down through Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona and New Mexico before arriving back in Texas. We saw two national parks (Giant Sequoia and the Grand Canyon) and I completed two items on my life list (#64 and #26). It was definitely one of the greatest adventures.

Prior to that great journey, I had flown to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and there I took a 43 hour train ride to Churchill, on the Southern bank of Hudson Bay. In Churchill, it was -20 degrees celsius--by far the coldest weather I've ever been in-- and was the farthest north I've made it so far. At 58N, the town of about 100 is located on the Artic Tundra and can only be reached by rail or air. In the fall you can see polar bears and in the summer beluga whales.

I didn't get to see either, but I got to knock 3 items of my life list (#24, #36, and #63). Dogsledding across the tundra/borealis forest was an incredible experience. I got to see an inukshuk on the shore of the Bay and on the last night the sky was full of dancing Aurora Borealis. We made friends with the locals, attending a "meat draw" with some local researchers and drinking tea with the owners of the only true B&B in town and our dog sledders, where we met Isobel, the blind sled dog.

I'm thrilled I took the chance to go up there, because I doubt I will have the opportunity to again. With global warming, the winter is shorter, the polar bears are hungrier and the entire town's livlihood is threatened.

Best of 2009 Blog Challenge

In an effort to step up my blogging as I've been slacking lately, I am going to participate in Gwen Bell's Best of 2009 blog challenge.

Since I'm a couple days behind, I'll do them sporadically... some days there may be none, some days there may be three, each in a different post. It's finally occured to me that I'm in the last month of a decade. The last decade that ended, I was an eighth grader and more concerned over what Y2K meant and how soon Christmas break would be coming than anything else.

So here's to a fun beginning of all things 2009!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Been a rough few weeks as far as yoga goes, but planning to go to yoga tonight just in time for the holidays. Making the long drive tomorrow night and have much to do tonight to get ready!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Anthropologie Hardware

I am currently obsessed with Anthopologie's new DIY: Hardware section of their website. I LOVE Anthro's hardware and am really excited about this new interactive portion of the website.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Another week

Happy Sunday! Today was a great yoga practice and a healthy dinner of an orange, avocado and alfalfa sprouts (with balsamic vinaigrette) sandwich which was delicious.

I mostly spent all weekend eating and watching tv shows with friend, but am ready to eat healthy and get in some more yoga time. Since I no longer fit in one of my pants I got only two months ago, I am now selling those on eBay and bought a new pair of shorts the replace them. They look awesome and I am so excited about them.

I'm just excited for another week in general... Grape Day is this weekend and I'm very excited about that!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Daily Goal Tracker

I started using this new goal tracker yesterday called Joe's Goals... You assign points to actions that can be either positive or negative and mark off the days you accomplish the daily, giving you a score for the day or week. I have Go to Yoga as +2, Blog +1, Bring lunch to work +1, Eat out -1. Any other suggestions for items?

Lora's Personal Score Badge

I added this little chart in the right hand panel on the blog so everyone can see how I do each day!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Time to Rocktober!

Today marks the beginning of a new month.

I successfully didn't purchase anything unneccesary in September. I also made ten posts... yay! Accomplished both of my goals.

This month I'll be participating in the "Eat. Sweat. Blog." challenge on Basically, I commit to working out at least 20 times during the month of October and completing 10 of their healthier eating "feats". I've been wanting to step up my yoga practice for awhile, since I'd been down to two practices a week. Bad.

Committing to 20 workouts during October comes out to approximately five per week. I'm going to shoot for most of those being yoga, although Fridays are hard for me to get there (last class is at 5 pm when is usually the earliest I can leave work) so I may have to substitute something else on Fridays.

Throwing a wrench in those plans is my doctor's visit yesterday where I was diagnosed with tendinitis and muscle spasms. I'm not really allowed to do anything that stretchs out my arm or requires heavy lifting... and yoga is all about stretching. Great.

I am happy that I've gotten in six practices the past eight days. I was hoping to keep it up with at least five a week, maybe even six. I feel as though I'm finally settling into a routine and finding my groove and I like it. In fact, these past few days I've been in such a great mood when I wake up... it's been refreshing.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The week begins

I reached my goal of at least 10 posts, yay!

I couldn't get to yoga yesterday, but was able to make it today. The class was a little rough, but I am happy overall that I started the week out right with yoga. I have had a problem with leg cramps in the past and one of my instructors suggested I am not replenishing my electrolytes. So today I had a vitamin water before yoga and... no cramps!

I don't want to pay extra $5-$10 a week the waters would be though, so I just bought some electrolyte pops and we'll see how those go for now.

My no-buy month ends Wednesday and I believe I have successfully stuck to it. Can't believe its almost October, but ready for hockey season!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

...but if I had my way, I'd take the rain

My intention last night when I got home from yoga was to write a blog post. But since the power was out in the entire neighborhood, I did the next best thing, pen & paper! The weather has cooled off considerably since it's been raining for two days straight.. but I do love it. It makes me miss Vancouver a lot.

I took 5 days off from yoga and these past 2 practices have been really rough... but at the same time, I notice more starkly my improvements over the past two months. I still hope to improve my balance, but the standing series is much better than when I started. During floor series today, I noticed how strong my spine is and I wonder if that comes from all the years of volleyball... I am glad though that there is strength in my spine and hopefully that will lead to a stronger practice all around.

I've reached a point in my practice where I am able to mentally check out and just do the postures. I haven't yet figured out if that's actually a good thing, but it's nice to suddenly realize we're moving into camel pose and it seems like we just began.

Every day in class I stare at the 60 day challenge wall and consider attempting it... but I can't seem to mentally prepare myself for class five days a week, much less every day (or more!) for two months. Until then, I find peace in the classes I do get... the hour and a half I give to myself.

"Practice yoga, and all is coming." - Guruji

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The true death panels.

Interesting true story at the Mudflats.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Miscellaneous Thoughts on $

I spent most of the day re-reading the archives over at Get Rich Slowly. Over the years since I found the blog, J.D. has put out some really great articles about real life money management... he (and his guest bloggers) have covered pretty much every aspect of retirement planning and budgeting, what to do when you're a saver and your spouse is a spender, how to prepare kids for financial intelligence, and even brings up hard topics about what to do when you're financially smart but your family isn't. The commentors on every single post only further the usefulness and wealth of information.

I have managed to come up with a fairly long list of books on Paperback Swap over the past few weeks... there's something strangely satisfying about anxiously waiting for the books you want, hoping they'll come soon, instead of running out and buying it brand new whenever the whim strikes me.

I need to read every book in my collection and list at least 75% of them. I already feel as though I'm accumulating too much Stuff and would love to practice cutting it down early. Interestingly enough, my danger isn't in clothes and shoes like most people I know, but rather books and garden supplies. Go figure.

Since we're already more than halfway through September (and my no-buy is STILL going strong!), I've started thinking about doing wrap ups in a few months of my financial year and lay out my financial goals for 2010.

(Side note... It occured to me recently that next year is 2010. I thought back to 1999 when Y2K was all the talk at this point. I'm really glad that never happened.)

Are there any big financial goals you'll be working towards this next year?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Golden Sand

(from iamhome)

How gorgeous is this succulent in GOLD sand. I love it.

Heard on Kid Carson this morning...

In the mornings, I listen to Kid Carson, my favorite Vancouver radio show. I have gotten a TON of interesting news today... starting with bacteria breeding in shower heads. But the news that takes the cake is that Ottawa sent body bags to northern Manitoba as part of a 'Swine Flu' kit.

If that happened to me, I would wonder 2 things: 1) What the heck?? and 2) Do they know something we don't??

Monday, September 14, 2009

New 401(k) allocation!

Yay! This is WAY more in line with what it should be... so that is a step in the right direction. Overall, it has been a fairly decent day... just one or two blights on a good day. Another Monday down.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Egg Cave

I'm trying out this new online game. It'll probably hold my interest for all of a day, but figured I might as well... Basically, I have these eggs and I have to take care of them.. by having people click on them. Self promotion much?

If you're bored, feel free to click. This is mostly to help me keep track of them.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hello Saturday

The weather has been really pleasant the past few days... hovering around 80 as opposed to 100. In fact, yesterday it was absolutely pouring when I left work, and as everyone else stood around looking bewildered, I rolled up my jeans, pulled out my umbrella and walked out into the storm. It made me miss Vancouver.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fabulous Doodles by Brooke Hagel

Mystie Vogue Ready

Marie loves Fashion


I'm currently hooked on these gorgeous prints of fashion illustrations by Brooke Hagel. I was browsing Etsy when I stumbled across her shop! I would love to buy a couple of these to replace the current illustrations I keep in my bathroom.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So far so good...

with the fact that I've managed not to spend any frivolous money. But bad on the front that I got a speeding ticket yesterday and didn't go to yoga today. Nor did I get any milk for my cereal. Alas, such is life.

One good thing is that I enrolled in my 401(k) today! I researched a couple of the funds who's names jumped out at me and put 100% into one for the time being. That one is Oppenheimer Developing Markets, which Morningstar gave a 5 star rating. Since I consider myself a bold, young investor I'm not too worried for the time being, but will research the additional funds soon so I can be sure I made the correct choice.

In other investment news, my Roth IRA is currently sitting at a gain of $-9.81 net. That might sound crappy that I'm negative, but considering my first buy in was right because the economy started tanking, and the market in general has been going lower and lower, I consider $10 good for my (almost) two years. In fact, in February of this year I was at $-2,546. Market is looking good to me...

As far as match, I'm going to max out my 401(k) employer match (3%) and then put the rest into my Roth IRA like I've been doing. If I manage to max that out, I'll increase my 401(k) contributions. My 401(k) doesn't start until October, so we'll see how maxing contibutions for the match goes for the 3 months left in the year!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Feels like a Friday

Already the third and no blog post! Bad.

I could never justify spending $330 on a party dress, but if I could, this is what I'd buy.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

+1 goal for Sept

In addition to my self imposed buying restrictions for September, I am also going to make a goal of writing at least 10 blog posts. I seem to struggle with that... this will be my 9th for August and I haven't done better than that in awhile.

I'm also in the early stages of planning a trip! Since prices for travel have dropped drastically in the past year (plus my serious wanderlust) places that were once completely out of affordibility range now can be done for a long weekend. Currently I'm looking at Boston or San Francisco, but I may have to stick a little closer to home with New Orleans or something.

Any suggestions on cities that are a decent, cheap flight from almost anywhere?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

New Andrea Camilleri translation!

SO excited for the newest translation of the Inspector Montalbano series by Andrea Camilleri, Wings of the Sphinx! It'll be released December 29, 2009... I can't wait!

Are there any new books you can't wait to be released?

The State of my Roth IRA

The past several years have wreaked havoc on people's retirement accounts as stocks plummeted and recovery is slow. Luckily I have 40 more years before I can retire so my teensy account has plenty of time to recover....

But today, for the heck of it, I checked my Roth IRA. On the right-hand side of the screen capture below, you can see where I have put in exactly $8,150 and my currently value if cashed out today would be $8,080.62 for a return of -69.38. Now, considering the state the economy has been in I consider this great news. Not a 10% return over the past few years, but I have been able to essentially stockpile shares at low, low prices while I waited for the market to recover.

My 401(k) should be beginning soon and I am looking forward to the opportunity to grow my retirement fund. That will be a whole different post when I have to figure out how to allocate funds to both in order to maximize my investments...

How do you manage your retirement funds? Do you have multiple accounts across different types of investments?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Perfect Painting for a Kitchen

I love the little teapot painting by Yellow Owl Workshop! If my kitchen weren't painted that hideous attempt at moss green I would scoop it up and put it behind my sink.

Month of no frivolous spending

I decided today that September will be the month of no frivolous spending. That means no clothes, makeup, books, iPhone games, iTunes music, notebooks, plants, etc. Things that are on my "can buy" list right now are food, household essentials and gifts (just in case!). Oh, and for books I can just PaperbackSwap them until October. :)

I stopped at HEB on the way home from work and ran across this lovely bouquet of peachy-pink roses and thought "what the hey?" and got them. Just a little something to brighten up my day.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Succulent Centerpieces

I absolutely love these succulents as centerpieces! I could totally imagine using that last planter with small dinosaur toys instead of animals...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Just for fun

Top (left to right): umbrella - Brad Ward / chair - Eva Lindh / gown - Vera Wang Look 7 Center: dress - Jenny You / cupcakes - SweetTiers by Hester / invitation - Ugly Kitty / lights -SideHike Bottom: flowers - Real Flower Company / boots - Burberry / candles - Martha Stewart Weddings

I put this inspiration board together for a competition last month and I liked it so much I wanted to share. The idea was sort of a romantic, rainy day garden party where nobody lets the rain ruin their happiness!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Yesterday I read that it takes 13 classes to really get into Bikram yoga. Today was my 14th class. And let me tell you, it was leaps and bounds better than the last.

The first Bikram class I attended, I hated every minute of. During savasana I stared at the ceiling thinking how much I wanted "normal" yoga right at that moment and was never coming back, screw the 10-day pass I'd just purchased. But after I left the room the first time, I felt incredible. So I went back the next day, and again, I hated it, but not quite so much as the first time... and again, when I left the room, I felt incredible. Here I am, 3 weeks and 14 classes later committed to approximately 12 months of unlimited Bikram yoga.

How did I get here from where I was 3 weeks ago? I have no idea. But I know my shoulder pain is mostly gone. I eat less. I drink more water. I sleep better. Etc etc etc.

My poses have improved drastically over the past several weeks as well. Day 1--I'm slightly embarassed to say--I was so proud of myself with how well I could do all the poses, and I only had to lay down three times! But I didn't do the poses correctly, and that's okay. Now I pick a specific body part to focus on (it's been legs the past few classes) and make sure I have that body part correct in every single pose.

Today I pushed my backbend further than I have before and it felt amazing! My spine popped a little but I almost felt as though I could hold the pose forever...

Do you practice any form of yoga? How long have you been practicing? What changes, good or bad, have you noticed?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A tale of two checking accounts

Happy Saturday everyone! After this past month I've decided there has to be a better way to handle my finances between necessity/non-necessity. Currently I've been transferring X amount of money to my savings account and having the rest sit in my no-interest Bank of America checking.

So this past week I decided to open up a second checking with the same bank as my highest interest savings accounts, ING Direct. I did this for 2 reasons: 1) The checking actually earns interest so any money sitting there is getting more than my BOA savings account and 2) I can do same day transfers between my savings/ING checking.

Number 2 is really important to me because I can put money into my savings but transfer to the checking if absolutely necessary.

I also calculated how much I am approximately spending per month on bills... for me this involves rent, cell, energy, water, yoga, student loan repayment, etc.--let's say $1000 for simplicity's sake. Then, I changed my paycheck direct deposit to put in exactly $1000 per month, or $500 per paycheck. That way, I know the bill money will not be confused with the other money.

The rest of the paycheck is deposited into BOA checking and I have that for everything else! Retirement savings, emergency fund, groceries, shopping, etc will all come out of it.

Is there a special way you help manage your finances?

Friday, July 31, 2009

Back to the yoga

Tomorrow marks the end of my intro to Bikram Yoga. For 7 of the past 9 days, I've gone into the 105 degree plus room with 50-60% humidity and performed the sequence of 26 postures... some days, like today, were great days and others were terrible days. Since last Wednesday was my first time to try Bikram, I feel as though I've come a long way. I already sleep better at night, my body is more hydrated with all the water I've started drinking, I sit straigher and I breathe better.

Another benefit is that yoga breaks down scar tissue and rebuilds, and boy, is it breaking down my scar tissue in my shoulder. Granted, my shoulder always aches. I have had to sleep with it by my side since high school because the pain would be to great if I stretched it out for long periods of time. But right now, my whole upper right side is aching... my shoulder, my back, my neck... I know it all stems from the one injury, but its amazing to see how much damage was actually done during volleyball.

I talked to one of the instructors about it last night and feel better about the pain. He said it's normal to have pain while the scar tissue is breaking down... but to make sure I know my limit and the difference between good and bad pain. I still think its good pain...

And with that thought, I bid you goodnight.