Today marks the beginning of a new month.
I successfully didn't purchase anything unneccesary in September. I also made ten posts... yay! Accomplished both of my goals.
This month I'll be participating in the "Eat. Sweat. Blog." challenge on Basically, I commit to working out at least 20 times during the month of October and completing 10 of their healthier eating "feats". I've been wanting to step up my yoga practice for awhile, since I'd been down to two practices a week. Bad.
Committing to 20 workouts during October comes out to approximately five per week. I'm going to shoot for most of those being yoga, although Fridays are hard for me to get there (last class is at 5 pm when is usually the earliest I can leave work) so I may have to substitute something else on Fridays.
Throwing a wrench in those plans is my doctor's visit yesterday where I was diagnosed with tendinitis and muscle spasms. I'm not really allowed to do anything that stretchs out my arm or requires heavy lifting... and yoga is all about stretching. Great.
I am happy that I've gotten in six practices the past eight days. I was hoping to keep it up with at least five a week, maybe even six. I feel as though I'm finally settling into a routine and finding my groove and I like it. In fact, these past few days I've been in such a great mood when I wake up... it's been refreshing.
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