Tuesday, December 30, 2008
While the cat snores...
Monday, December 29, 2008
One hundred words for snow
[Boaz] claims Inuits have four distinct root words for snow: aput "snow on the ground", gana "falling snow," piqsirpoq "drifting snow" and qimuqsuq "a snow drift".
Friday, December 26, 2008
Exciting xmas blog post!
My day was fairly uneventful... just another day off, except I put on a Santa hat and plugged in Christmas lights. But there's still snow outside (now there's at least a 18 inches on my balcony) and the fire is still on. I cleaned, did laundry, video chatted with my family (including Mom, Dad, Jack and the Michiganders (Celeste, Barbara and Tuko) who had just arrived into Lubbock!) and basically bummed around. The oven is still broken and I still have very little food (and am still feeling too lazy to go out).
Since I have no tv, and therefore can't sit around watching mindless shows, I've had to find other things to do to occupy my time at home. Aside from reading, the computer is generally my first choice (I don't have a lot of hobbies and growing bonsai really isn't that time consuming) but there are only so many things I can do on my favorite sites. And since I'm also not one to sit around and watch YouTube videos or Facebook stalk all day, I've had to search for more things.
So, I've been downloading random games to play. I've downloaded/purchased quite a few in the past... this past summer I really enjoyed Plant Tycoon for a couple of weeks, and of course games like Oregon Trail, Zeus and the various Nancy Drews always make for great entertainment. So of the 10-15 or so I've downloaded, most I've given up on because they're so bad, others I beat rather quickly and then there are a very select few which have not only kept me entertained, but I will probably continue to play for awhile... at least until I beat them.
The first is BigFish Games' My Tribe.... its a real time game sort of like the Sims (only a MUCH more basic version). You have people, you tell them to fish, farm, gather wood, harvest stone, build, research, etc etc and they will continue to do so, whether the game is running or not. Babies grow up without you having to watch their every step and their lives go on. This will run while I'm doing other things, and I can come back, make some adjustments and let it go! I love it.
The second is Sandlot Games' Westward III: Gold Rush.... Kind of like Zeus or Civilization... except you're one person who goes on various side quests and follows a story line, while growing a town and providing resources for the citizens.
Next I really enjoy is BigFish Games' Home Sweet Home: Christmas Edition... I love games where you get to design and get points for doing what the customer wants, this one has the added twist of having to build the redesigned room as well. I'm over halfway through the levels, but its enjoyable and when I'm finished I will definitely go back and play the last 2 editions.
Finally, IWin and BigFish Games' Fashion Star... fun for the same reasons as the last game, you have an objective, you design a photo shoot to match those objectives, get points and continue up the levels! I will be done with this one pretty soon, but still fun nonetheless.
This games are great, since I don't have much of an attention span and like the games to be over with fairly quickly (I won't play ANY game for hundrends or thousands of hours) these are perfect. I've downloaded and couple more and hopefully they will provide some entertainment as well.
I guess I could have a more exciting life and more exciting things to blog about than computer games. But alas, no craziness here.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Environment Canada: "No snowman-making weather with this kind of snow."
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Holiday snowstorm
The Great White North is living up to its name.
Winter debuted Sunday with boisterous displays of heavy snow, powerful winds and numbing cold across the country. Forecasters are predicting Christmas will look much the same.
"I would dare say if you're in a satellite looking down on Canada, it would be white from coast to coast to coast and it would be frozen," said David Phillips, senior climatologist with Environment Canada.
"There's no area that can say that winter hasn't really arrived."
(. . .)
In Vancouver, snow began falling Saturday night and continued into Sunday, with up to 20 cm of snow expected in some areas by day's end.
(. . .)
Those dreaming of a white Christmas will get their wish - mostly.
While Yuletide will likely be a rare postcard perfect in Vancouver - with more snow expected on top of what is already on the ground - forecasters said it was possible that parts of Ontario and the East Coast may get an influx of slightly milder temperatures and even rain.
(story from the Canadian Press, photo from the Vancouver Sun)
6 inches of snow?? This is crazy! It does NOT do this in BC. Add on top of that the fact that I have to be at work at 5:30 am tomorrow (as I did today) and am not looking forward to that at all! Today was rough enough, but tomorrow will only be worse... luckily I am off on Tuesday and close on Wednesday... hopefully the buses will be running by then, and have Christmas day off. I really am not a fan of this snowstorm. Hopefully it will come to an end soon.
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Italian crime novels

- Death at La Fenice (1992)
- Death in a Strange Country (1993)
- The Anonymous Venetian (1994) aka Dressed for Death
- A Venetian Reckoning (1995) aka Death and Judgment
- Acqua Alta (1996) aka Death in High Water
- The Death of Faith (1997) aka Quietly in Their Sleep
- A Noble Radiance (1997)
- Fatal Remedies (1999)
- Friends in High Places (2000)
- A Sea of Troubles (2001)
- Wilful Behaviour (2002)
- Uniform Justice (2003)
- Doctored Evidence (2004)
- Blood from a Stone (2005)
- Through a Glass Darkly (2006)
- Suffer the Little Children (2007)
- The Girl of His Dreams (2008)
- About Face (2009)
- The Shape of Water - 2002 (La forma dell’acqua - 1994)
- The Terracotta Dog - 2002 (Il cane di terracotta - 1996)
- The Snack Thief - 2003 (Il ladro di merendine - 1996)
- The Voice of the Violin - 2003 (La voce del violino - 1997)
- Excursion to Tindari - 2005 (La gita a Tindari - 2000)
- The Scent of the Night - 2005 (L’odore della notte - 2001)
- Rounding the Mark - 2006 (Il giro di boa - 2003)
- The Patience of the Spider - 2007 (La pazienza del ragno - 2004)
- The Paper Moon - 2008 (La Luna di Carta - 2005)
- August Heat - 2006 (La Vampa d'Agosto - 2006)
- The Sphinx's Wings - 2006 (Le Ali della Sfinge - 2006)
- The Sand Path - 2007 (La pista di Sabbia - 2007)
- The Potter's Field - 2008 (Il campo del vasaio - 2008)
- The Age of Doubt - 2008 (L'età del dubbio) - 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Title? No thanks.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Things I love (Part I): Personal finance edition
- I love the PearBudget online spreadsheet because, through it, I have discovered that I actually live within my means and often have extra money at the end of the month to put other places. I am able to see where my money goes (okay, I really like to buy clothes) and where I *think* my money goes but it actually doesn't (eating out).
- I love the Yodlee Moneycenter, because: a) I can track all of money between all my accounts (and when it leaves my accounts), b) I can track my Canadian accounts, and c) I can see my net worth and where my assets/liabilities are and what percentage of my total those are (for instance, my retirement account is currently 75% of my assets). Well, I love it for more than reasons a, b and c but those are just the ones I want to mention.
- I love the Get Rich Slowly blog, because not only does blogger JR have great posts and insights about things related to personal finance, he has a great following of thoughtful and learned readers who are able to provide additional insight and information. The forums are fantastic and people are so willing to help others out. I love.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Fa la la la la
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
On teen pregnancies and medical records... or lack thereof
Friday, November 14, 2008
A word from President-Elect Barack Obama
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
wtf america?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Game. Set. Match!

Happy election Day!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy November!

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Apple Fest!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Vikings, pilgrims and kings... oh my!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tasty transfat free food!
"This is the interactive part of the flight..."
Friday, August 22, 2008
Double B Adventures (Bus and Bed)
The entire incident reminded me of when I took "Theories of Persuasion" and we studied something about people in large crowds being less likely to take action because they think (hope?) someone else will. I don't know if thats so much the deal, or rather a fear of the large, MR man who could target me next, but I just felt extremely guilty that I didn't just reach a hand out to help block. The blow largely missed the guy, he just had a small red spot on his cheek, and for the rest of his trip he kept apologizing to me, saying he did nothing wrong, he just sat down...
In any case, the bus didn't stop on Skid Row and the trip back was uneventful.
Now I am in my new apartment off Commercial Drive, which I love. The room itself is rather small, but I have two huge mirrors and a huge window which help the room feel bigger. I also have my own balcony and bathroom, which is super fantastic. And Molly has a parking spot (two actually) in the underground parking garage, she is extremely happy down there not having to worry about vandals and thieves. There is also a massive blackberry bush about a block and a half east, a couple days ago I went out and picked 4 cups of blackberries that Claire and I have been eating. They are so amazingly sweet and fresh, I've never had anything like them. There are so many neat shops down Commercial, I found a cute little Italian grocery I love and will frequent more often. I've actually discovered food is much cheaper at these little places than at large chains such as Safeway. Not only cheaper, but much tastier.
I've been watching craigslist for a bed frame for my air mattress, mostly because I can't stand sleeping on the floor, it drives me insane. Since I wasn't able to find anything cheaper than Ikea, I decided to head over there and get one for myself. It's a fantastic beautiful unfinished pine bed--I get a whiff of pine everytime I come into my room now--and it took me roughly 6 hours and 2 stripped screws to assemble, but I got it together. I also got some organizational boxes for my clothes and an on sale artist's dummy for decoration. And since I also went to the art store yesterday for some basic art supplies (so I can get some decoration in my room), the artist's dummy may come in handy for sketching people!
All in all, this has been an extremely interesting week, but I am glad that it is the weekend and I can start Monday on fully focusing on finding a job... I have already pulled a lot of ads from Craigslist I am going to respond to. It should be an interesting week!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Hunting... of apartments, fans and ABMs
On Friday I moved from the first UBC dorm into the second, more expensive... the room is hot and I can't get any internet in it--very annoying. But it has two refrigerators in the suite (instead of down the hall) and an in-suite bathroom. Plus they clean every day... however, the hot room has been killing me. I couldn't find a fan in any of the area Safeways, so I had to look up Wal-Mart and Home Depot, none of which were nearby. So I looked up Canadian Tire and there was one just a little farther than I had looked yesterday! So this morning I woke up (really hot, of course) and headed toward 7th and Cambie. Since I have NO cash I had to park under the Save-On Foods across the street instead of at a meter... Although I found out later the Canadian Tire had its own parking above the store. I went in and found some really cheap, crappy fans for $20 and in the demo section I found a really great retro looking oscillating desk fan for $50. I hunted around and found the absolute last one in the store... the box was a little smashed but it hadn't been opened, so I figured I would try it out.
After stowing the box safely away in my car, I headed back out to find an ABM--like I said, I had NO cash... only a couple 5 cent coins--and found a RBC with an ABM! Then I was so happy I stopped at a Starbucks on the way back to my car right next to a Home Depot! The Home Depot is so new it wasn't even on the website yet... but now I know it is there, and I have a fan, so I am happy. I came back to the hot, hot room, opened up the box and realized I actually had to put the fan together myself... and it had screws. Since I'm not quite sure whether I brought my tool kit or not and I certainly didn't want to have to drive back to Canadian Tire/Home Depot and buy one, I figured out that my tweezers fit perfectly and was able to screw the fan together!
Thank goodness for the fan! It is cooling my room off right now while I am sitting out on the patio enjoying this beautiful view over the Strait of Georgia and Vancouver Island, watching the boats go by... tomorrow I have an appointment with Scotia Bank about setting up a bank account and I think I may head to the beach afterwards and read a book and spend a little time in the sun. I'm supposed to hear from my two favorite places I looked at tomorrow... I have my fingers crossed!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
And so it begins...
Although the title is "Halfway to Alaska," I won't actually be making it there. I do have plans to visit someday--I'd love to take a cruise up and drive back down the Alaskan Highway--but right now I am working on settling in to beautiful British Columbia and making a life for myself here.
Saturday morning at the bright cheery hour of 4 a.m., with my car completely packed, my mom and I took off from grand ol' Lubbock, heading north to Amarillo. I won't bore you with the details, but we spent a grand total of 40 minutes in Oklahoma and had lunch north of Denver... a very late lunch. We counted windmills, got stuck in one-lane-only construction lines and saw a whole bunch of nothing really in the process. Once we hit Wyoming, we decided to go see a dinosaur graveyard about 30 mins or more out of our way, and unfortunately the only thing we found was a long closed down house that once directed you to the dino pits, but we couldn't find any way of getting there. We arrived in Rawlins, Wyoming around 5, got some dinner at Taco John's and I was asleep around 7 p.m.
The next morning we didn't leave until about 5 a.m., driving through a sort of "no man's land" along the continental divide where water doesn't flow any direction and making it all the way to Utah in mid-morning. We stopped for lunch somewhere insignificant in Idaho--which actually was very reminiscent of Texas--making it to Oregon early enough to stop in Baker City at the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center for about an hour and a half. The Center was fantastic, located up on a hill, and had actual parts of the Trail you could still see. From there we headed to Kennewick, Washington. We had difficulties finding the hotel and had a late dinner. The next day we didn't head out until about 7 a.m. since we wanted to miss the morning rush hour in Seattle. We stopped at the beautiful little mountain town of Hyak, had lunch in Everett and passed through Seattle and reached the border about 1 p.m. We were detained at the border for about 40 minutes while Border Patrol ran a background check on me and got my work permit in order and before we knew it we were off to Vancouver!
So here I am, sitting in my University of British Columbia hostel-dorm room wondering what I'm going to do for the next several months! First order of business is to find a place to live, so that is what I have been focusing on. I've already checked out a couple of places, one great and one not-so-great, and am looking at another one on Friday in the area I am really interested in living in. In the meantime, I'm hoping for the best!